I just got back from the Dr. I am at an 80% and dilated to a 1. SO, I am still on bed rest and the Dr. asked if mom would stay another week. Dr. said if I take it easy for the next week I should be okay for another two weeks. Mom was to leave on Sunday so now she is thinking about just staying until Hen gets here instead of coming back the end of the month. I know many women have stayed at a 1 for weeks SO I pray I will be the same. BUT Tiny came at 36 and Paps at 37 SO you never know! Back to bed (I did get the ok to take Tiny to and from school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, whew!)
Sweet Boy at 33/34 weeks, he looks JUST like his brothers! |
17/18 weeks |
26/27 weeks |
29/30 weeks |
34/35 weeks
Keeping our fingers crossed he stays in for at LEAST 2 more weeks!!!
He looks like pappy!!!! I want him. Ship him here for a few weeks? I'll ship him back...