Monday, April 16, 2012

My Sweet Tiny

I am a Mother, a Worrier, and a Picker!! As a Mom you know that you are your cute children's voice. You may be asking, a "picker"?? YES, I am a picker. I pick at my kids, as in clean their ears, check for dirt, bugs, boogs, brush their I "pick" them and my dad tells me I do it too much. WELL, in late January, I was doing my daily "picking" in the boys ears for ear stuff and I saw Tiny had a small black, scab like dot in his ear. I tried to pick it out but it did not move. After months of still being there and I could not get rid of it- it was driving ME nuts. I made an appointment to see his Dr. and he recommend us to see an ENT to have a better look at. Our ENT is awesome, caring, and loving. She does not like the way the spot looks under the big microscope. The color, shape, and being raised makes her want to remove the spot. I AM OKAY with THAT, being the picker I am I want it OUT!!
SO tomorrow morning she will be removing it. Due to him being so young, it will be held at the surgery center so he can be "night night" when she removes it. It should only take about 15-20min BUT I am nervous!!! I am NOT sure how parents handle surgery's that last HOURS!!!I  We will have the results we hope by Friday to see what this is. I PRAY nothing, maybe dirt, ha! BUT I agree with our ENT that we need to test it, she did prepare us that it "could" be something of concern but lets just pray it is NOTHING!!!
SO welcome to the NEW blog and would you please lift up our Sweet Tiny and his Dr tomorrow in prayer. I will keep yall posted!
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  1. God will be with your precious child, James, your trained, accomplished physician, and you & John because you are all His children. You will get through this the same way your parents got through your illnesses & surgeries. I will be in prayer for all of you, because God has instucted us to do so & because I love you all. Keep faith that no matter what, you are in the everlasting arms!

  2. Awesome page, Amanda! I'm so proud of you! I'm so NOT a picker. You're such a great mom to spot something so small and out of the way. He'll be fine. He's a big boy. I remember when Emily got tubes in her ears. It was so much worse for me, than for her. I'll be praying for y'all.

  3. Sweet baby boy! As a fellow picker, I can't imagine not being able to get it off. I know he is in good hands and everything will be okay. Miss you so much! Love that I can stalk you on your blog now!
